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Marketing & Product Resources Hub

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of resources, designed to empower marketing and product teams. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, we’ve got you covered with free insights, templates, and guides.

SEO Checklist

for B2B & SaaS 

A range of invaluable resources and downloads

Free SEO Audit (UK)

Run a mini-audit to check the SEO optimisation of a webpage serving the United Kingdom market.

Free SEO Audit (US)

Run a mini-audit to check the SEO optimisation of a webpage serving the United States market.

AI for Go-to-Market

A white paper on how AI, integrated with human oversight, can revolutionise market strategy and drive growth.

Marketing Strategy Concept Map

A strategic asset to help B2B tech companies identify key marketing objectives and business outcomes. 

SEO Checklist

This checklist provides a list of key SEO objectives to keep track of in order to ensure that your website is optimised for search engines.

Community Engagement Guide

Learn how online communities allow businesses to build trust, receive valuable feedback, and enhance customer-led growth.

Competitor Analysis Guide

An in-depth step-by-step guide on how to perform competitor analysis.

Persona Profile Template

A detailed template with explanations and examples of  ideal customer profiles.

Value Proposition Canvas

A strategic tool to ensure that your product or service is positioned around customer values and needs.

Product Canvas

A concise yet content-rich asset explaining a business case for a product and the customer value it delivers.

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Talk to us to see how fractional services can help your business grow.

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